Make a difference in the life of a young artist today!

A gift to Poco a Poco is more than a donation: it’s an investment that cultivates the next generation of performers. Your contribution sustains a program where talents are nurtured and unbreakable bonds are formed.

Your support helps young artists fulfill their dreams of learning and growing through an immersive musical experience. At Poco a Poco, we maintain a low overhead so that our resources are used to create high-quality opportunities for our students and community.

Sponsorship Levels

Sostenuto - $5,000+

Legato - $2,000 - $4,999

Tutti - $1,000 - $1,999

Crescendo - $500 - $999

Con moto - $250 - $499

Harmony - $100 - $249

Colla voce - $25 - $99

Donate Today